About Us

Who We Are

Conceptualized in 2021, the Texas School of Preaching is the vision and ambition of Jason Rollo, Terrance Brownlow-Dindy, Sr., and Dinc McDonald. It is not a Bible institute, a liberal arts college, or a general knowledge organization, but an institute of higher learning with a specific emphasis on training preachers. The rigorous two-year educational program of the Texas School of Preaching covers every book of the Bible in addition to multiple topical courses designed to produce proficiency in the pulpit and excellency in the comprehensive ministry of the Gospel.

Our motto, “in the book, in the law of God distinctly,” derives from the book of Nehemiah. The people had a thirst for God’s word, and the preachers “read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading” (Nehemiah 8:1-8). In a world of increasing secularism, religious pluralism, postmodern culture, and candy-coated “preaching,” human hearts are in desperate need of pulpits that reverberate the unmitigated truth with distinction. The Texas School of Preaching seeks to do its part in producing men who will be both able and eager to provide a dying world and a hungering church with that which is Scripturally prescribed – the word of God, distinctly proclaimed.

Purpose Statement

The Texas School of Preaching exists to train Gospel Preachers. We seek godly men, as per 2 Timothy 2:2, to teach the truth (John 17:17), the whole truth (Acts 20:27), and nothing but the truth (1 Timothy 1:3; 2 John 9). The Texas School of Preaching has a singular purpose: to train sound, competent men who have a zeal to do their part in carrying out the great commission of Christ (Mark 16:15) in leading souls to salvation, and filling the local pulpits of churches of Christ (2 Tim. 4:1-2) in effort to strengthen brethren.

Many sound schools of preaching exist throughout the brotherhood, and yet, a shortage of good Gospel Preachers remains. The Texas School of Preaching will do its part in efforts to remedy this problem.

Overseeing Congregation

The Texas School of Preaching is overseen by the shepherds of the BCS church of Christ. The elders possess a great affinity for strong, sound Gospel preachers, and share a great love for training men to preach. Even presently, the BCS congregation, under the oversight of her elders, provide monetary support for several of our fellow brotherhood preaching schools – including various instructors and multiple students.